Tuesday, 23 October 2018

2018-2019 Club Executive

Hello All!

The club's AGM was held on October 16, 2018. The election of officers was also held. Below you will find the new executive.

  • Chairman - Bernie Bonnar - VE1UT
  • Vice Chairman - Jim Harris - VE1RB
  • Treasurer - David Vail VE1GM
  • Secretary - David Doucette - VE1JC

73, VE1XT

Friday, 11 May 2018

May Club Meeting - Field Day Discussion

Hello All!

I wanted to post a reminder that we have a meeting coming up next week (Tuesday the 15th). As always, it's at the EMO building on Pleasant St and start time is 7 PM.

Also, since Field Day is coming up at the end of next month (June 23-24), this coming meeting would be a great time to discuss whether or not the club will take part and what we might want to do.

If you are unable to attend the meeting, feel free to email me (ve1xt [at] ve1yar [dot] com) with your ideas / suggestions.

73 for now! See you Tuesday (and some of you tomorrow)!
Dennis (VE1XT)

Sunday, 15 April 2018

April Club Meeting

Hello All,

Just a reminder that the monthly club meeting is coming up on Tuesday April 17th. As per usual it will be held at 7:00pm at the EMO building on Pleasant St (behind the fire hall).

73 de VE1XT

Friday, 13 April 2018

Wires-X is now up and running on VE1LN

For those of you interested in digital modes on VHF, we now have Wires-X up and running on the VE1LN VHF repeater (146.865) in digital only mode.

The repeater is connected to the CQ-CANADA-VE1AO(40678) room. This room is connected to various repeaters and nodes across the country. You can think of this being similar to a reflector on IRLP. You are able to connect to any other public node or room but once you disconnect, the repeater will default back to CQ-CANADA-VE1AO(40678).

Although this repeater is open for anyone to use, you need to have a 2m Yaesu radio that supports the System Fusion (C4FM) digital mode. If you wish to access the Wires-X functionality (other than the room that is connected by default) you will also need a radio that supports it. Yaesu offers a few different models that support C4FM / Wires-X. You can see them here and they can be purchased through most major Amateur Radio suppliers.

WB7OEV and K9EQ have created a great guide to Wires-X. It is called Wires-X - The Bible and can be downloaded in PDF format here. This guide explains how to use each of the Yaesu radios and how to set up a node and configure it. It is a great place to start.

If you have any questions do not hesitate to ask!

73 de VE1XT

Saturday, 17 February 2018

February 2018 Monthly Meeting

Hello All,

Just a friendly reminder that the monthly club meeting will be this coming Tuesday (Feb 20) at 7pm at the EMO building in Yarmouth.

See you there!
73 de VE1XT

Sunday, 14 January 2018

January 2018 Monthly Club Meeting

Hello all!

This is just a friendly reminder that our monthly club meeting will be held this coming Tuesday (Jan 16th) at the EMO building. As always, the start time is 7pm.