Friday, 13 April 2018

Wires-X is now up and running on VE1LN

For those of you interested in digital modes on VHF, we now have Wires-X up and running on the VE1LN VHF repeater (146.865) in digital only mode.

The repeater is connected to the CQ-CANADA-VE1AO(40678) room. This room is connected to various repeaters and nodes across the country. You can think of this being similar to a reflector on IRLP. You are able to connect to any other public node or room but once you disconnect, the repeater will default back to CQ-CANADA-VE1AO(40678).

Although this repeater is open for anyone to use, you need to have a 2m Yaesu radio that supports the System Fusion (C4FM) digital mode. If you wish to access the Wires-X functionality (other than the room that is connected by default) you will also need a radio that supports it. Yaesu offers a few different models that support C4FM / Wires-X. You can see them here and they can be purchased through most major Amateur Radio suppliers.

WB7OEV and K9EQ have created a great guide to Wires-X. It is called Wires-X - The Bible and can be downloaded in PDF format here. This guide explains how to use each of the Yaesu radios and how to set up a node and configure it. It is a great place to start.

If you have any questions do not hesitate to ask!

73 de VE1XT

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